An old adage warns us to let sleeping dogs lie. Best to keep the beast quiet rather than arose it to raise alarm or do harm, goes the logic. Tossing caution to the wind, however, one is lead to disregard the old wives' wisdom and inquire about the possible publication of the second slim volume of scabrous calumny from Mr Rapier on the fictional residents of the fair and up-standing community of Ovoid, Illinois.
The public was apprised of the imminent release of the aforementioned slander entitled 'Ovoid Diaspora' and gritting one's teeth in preparation for further obloquy, defamation, derogation and cynical misrepresentation of our beloved and cherished home - the hallmark of Mr Rapier's previous attempt at authorship - one waits for the second boot to fall, as it were. One must admit, a morbid curiosity has begun to seep into this editor's consciousness.
Perhaps the reading public and the peaceful town of Ovoid will be spared the perverse, delusional scribblings of Mr Rapier's acid pen.
One can hope.