It seems the rueful day has arrived.
The over-long anticipation of something so unremarkable as
the sequel to a wholly unremarkable work of calumny and vituperation against
the fair people of our fair town has been a tedious one. The tedium of the wait,
needless to say, was tempered by the
relief afforded us by simply putting the predicted event out of one's mind;
much as one does not dwell on the predicted explosion of the sun a million years hence or the prognosticated
impact of a meteor with our name on it.
However, that tedium - if one were to have actively and consciously
awaited the publication of the tedious sequel to 'Ovoid, Illinois' - is as
nothing when compared with the tedious, poorly written pot-boiling prose of 'Ovoid
Diaspora'. Mr Rapier, the author (if one might be permitted so high-flown a
designation for a wordmonger so devoid of literary talent) has quite obviously
gained no further skill or craftsmanship as regards the sculpting and honing of
narrative literature. Indeed, his scurrilous scribbling falls just short of cacography - evidently, the
spell-checker if his word processor functions properly. (Thank Heaven for small
to the substance of the text, it is without pith or promise. To outline the multitude
of tangled narrative threads is simple enough if one utilizes Alexander's
method of unraveling the Gordian Knot - a quick slashing with a keen, sharp
blade. To wit: the young students of Ovoid High School have flown from the homely
domesticated nest to pursue the rapacious temptations of a wanton life of licentiousness and
promiscuity to which that ilk of anarchists known in vulgar parlance as
'hippies' ascribe in their senseless, mindless rebellion against the
God-ordained societal and moral restraints of a sane and prosperous
poppycock, stuff and bother; 'Ovoid Diaspora'
is, in sum, a wan pamphlet espousing the spurious creed of intemperance, debauchery,
willful criminality and solipsistic self-service which will, like blind Samson
in the temple, ultimately bring down the Shining City on the Hill and shatter the very
foundation of our God-ordained American
Way of Life.
is fore-armed; avoid this volume of virulent, vituperative, opprobrious obloquy and impious
propagandistic balderdash advocating Godless, lawless, licentious living.
Rest assured, Dear Reader, that, your editor, Aeneas Virgil Babbage, for one, shall never, ever read, scan nor skim this thin volume. One would as soon pluck the eyes from one's own head.
Rest assured, Dear Reader, that, your editor, Aeneas Virgil Babbage, for one, shall never, ever read, scan nor skim this thin volume. One would as soon pluck the eyes from one's own head.
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